Saturday, August 26, 2006

Last time for Ephesians 5:21ff.

It just struck me that this is the last time I will have the opportunity to preach on Ephesians 5:21 ff. on mutual submission in Christian marriage. Next time this section of the Lectionary passes by we will be using the Revised Common Lectionary instead of the Prayer Book Lectionary. The RCL, I'm afraid, sanitizes the lectionary by omitting this passage.

Yes, yes, it is a difficult passage to preach. But that is what makes it so important. We all hear it read from a rather sexist perspective, just to find it on deeper inspection talking about a mutual kenotic marital concept that seems to reflect the Carmen Christi of Philippians 2. All is dependent upon the verse "Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ." (And even futher dependent upon verse 18: "Do become drunk, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.")

I fear that the spirit we are filled with if we intentionally omit this passage is the spirit of an age that will pass away.

I find this a reason to mourn tomorrow.


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