Rod Dreher on the CoE
This is from columnist Rod Dreher on the reports that the Church of England wants to ditch St. George as Patron.
Lord have mercy. These people. Ashamed of St. George! (Who may not have
actually existed, but that's not the point). Look, why don't these
sherry-sniffing buttercups just surrender now and spare their enemies the
indignity and tedium of having to beat up a bunch of sniveling jellyfish? I
swear, you could arm the choirs of the ten Bible churches closest to where I sit
deep in the heart of Texas with pool noodles and bullhorns, and they could run
half the marmalade-spined clerics of the Church of England over the White Cliffs
of Dover like a herd of shrieking Gadarene schoolgirls.
Poor Church of England. Whoever thought it would end like this?
His prose is highly amusing, but such a move just doesn't seem to have the significance he thinks it does. Christians should be absolutely freaking out at the notion of symbol for their faith that is wrapped up in militarism.
Of course, you probably know how I get about that stuff...
You'd absolutely freak at a stained glass window of St. George at a parish where I once served as assistant. It was the home parish of Gen. George Patton.
The window had St. George with a 3rd Army insigna on his saddle killing a dragon with a swastika on its wing.
Down in the corner was the General himself peering out of the top of a tank.
But, as usual, you have a point.
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